Category: News

Obtaining a Degree in Dental Hygiene

There is always an increasing demand for dental hygiene professionals, so it is no surprise that many students are enrolling in a degree in this field. In fact, this is one of the most popular fields of study in the U.S., with over 100,000 students earning their degree each...

What to Do With a Degree in Journalism

If you have just recently graduated with a degree in journalism, you are probably thinking about how to use your skills in the workplace. There are a number of different careers that are associated with this degree. Some of these include investigative reporting, broadcast journalism, content writing, public relations,...

A Degree in Forensic Science Can Lead to a Number of Career Opportunities

A degree in forensic science can lead to a number of career opportunities. These careers include working as a police officer, criminal investigator, forensic chemist, crime scene investigator, and an attorney. You will also have the ability to transfer to a master’s degree program. Cost of a forensic science...

Getting a Degree in Finance

Getting a degree in finance can be a great way to get a career in the finance industry. However, there are many things to consider before you start looking into this option. First, you’ll want to find a school that offers a curriculum you’re interested in. You also may...

What You Can Do With a Degree in Social Work

If you have been wondering what you can do with a degree in social work, you are not alone. Several types of degree are available to you, from an associate’s degree to a master’s in social work. Learn more about the degrees that you can get and the courses...

Getting a Degree in Cyber Security

Getting a degree in cyber security can be a good choice for individuals who want to work in the information security field. There are many different colleges and universities that offer courses in the field, and some of them even offer scholarships. Whether you want to study a bachelor’s...

Getting a Degree in Natural Science

Getting a degree in natural science is a great way to get an education that will prepare you for a variety of careers in the field. There are many different fields of natural science that you can choose to study, including the following: Astronomy, Biological sciences, Physical sciences, and...

Getting a Degree in Marine Biology

Choosing to obtain a degree in marine biology is a great decision for anyone who has an interest in the marine environment. Not only does this degree provide the necessary knowledge to work in the marine environment, but it also allows you to earn a high salary and enjoy...

Easy Degrees That Pay Well

Getting a degree from a university is a great way to earn more money. This is especially true if you want to be successful in your career. However, it’s important to make sure you choose a degree program that is right for you. There are some degrees that are...